How technology changes national traits: a simple example

Rav Kav means “many lines”

There used to be a special and culturally unique way of dealing with bureaucracy in Israel. Technology has destroyed it.

A “rav kav” is a card which serves as a method of payment for public transportation on trains, buses and shared yellow taxis in Israel. It is akin to an Octopus card in Hong Kong, a Nol card in Dubai or an London Oyster card.

At the age of 75, people exchange their rav kav for a card which enables free public transportation, or the card that one already carries can be reprogrammed to stop deducting fares on your upcoming birthday.

Doing simple things in Israel is always difficult, and carrying out this procedure is no different. A rav kav service station is located only in 2 train stops, the busiest stations, in the heart of Tel Aviv, at haShalom and Tel Aviv Central.

In the past, Israelis were well known for bending rules, breaking rules and by-passing the system. Israeli could invent by-passes for almost everything as long as there was good will and/or knowing the right people, the latter was called Vitamin P, for “protection”.

Rav Kav is highly automated. Change can only be made 14 days before one’s birthday in the case of reaching the 75 year old goal post.

I arrived at the Rav Kav service centre 16 days before my birthday. I waited in a long line; I am not known for my patience. When I reached the booth, the service provider was sending WhatsApp and had an earphone in one ear. In a thick undetectable accent (but probably Transylvanian) , he told me to come back in 2 days.

I asked him if he can “do me a favour” and enter the data now. “System is blocked; no more “Israbluf” (beating the system). Next!”

The “system” vanquished the cultural trait of beating the system. The sad part is that most of the systems are either down, or serve as a Berlin wall preventing the use of common sense.

Technology is flattening us all into one boring lump. And we are all becoming the same: dull as piss on a plater.





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3 thoughts on “How technology changes national traits: a simple example

  1. Allon, as you know, my father was 1 of the first systems analysts, starting in 1958. 1 of his major peeves was people calling themselves systems analysts who design systems that require the users to adapt to the system rather than doing what the users need in the way they need it to.

  2. It seems that the software at rav kav service stations was developed without considering:

    1. Other related “technology”, such as (a) the data stored on the cards, (b) number of stations with service centres, (c) mobile phone with the service provider.
    2. The “social” aspects involved, such as (a) long wait-time for elder customers, (b) customers dont know of, or ignore, the 14-day rule, (c) service provider uses WhatsApp and earphones at/for work.

    Ideally, no one should have to visit the service centre or need replacement cards. If rav kav cards have the traveler’s date-of-birth on them — the scanning machine should recognise a 75-year old and simply announce in a transylvannian voice “You have Vitamin-P. Now enter freely and of your own free will!” ????

    This is an excellent article to consider how systems can be designed as socio-technical systems. Thank you Allon.

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