“The entire community of Organization Development academics and practitioners in Israel stood on the shoulders of Itamar, small as he was in stature”. That is what I wanted to say as he was laid to rest today in Segula Cemetery.
I also wanted to thank him for all that he contributed to me, personally, before he was laid to rest. But I did that in my heart. As is not my habit- I kept quiet at Segula. The stage to talk was for Gaby, Dafna and Orit, his children.
We were professional and business partners for over 30 years. That is a very long time, considering that we agreed on very little, except of course how to practice OD.
As an ex- Argentinian, being on time was not critical for him; as an ex-Canadian it was (and is) very important for me. Itamar gave top-down complex (and brilliant) explanations cum interpretations. My style was/is far more down to earth and eclectic. Itamar was a brilliant academic, teacher and practitioner; I am a practitioner with no academic pretentions.
When I come to think of it, we also had a lot in common, which perhaps explains the 3 decades of partnership. We were both perfectionists when it comes to OD. We both backed our people when they erred. There was zero competition between us, and no backstabbing. Arguments, yes. Backstabbing, no. Itamar and I, luckily, shared a sense of humour and of the hundreds (and hundreds) of hours we worked together, at least 30% were spent laughing. We both worked very very hard, day and night, to do things “comme il faut”.
Yet-I haven’t yet made the main point. Itamar came to Israel without “connections” and initially without a full control of the language. (Itamar claimed that he spoke all languages in Spanish). Yet within just a few years, he had had an incredible impact on the practice of OD in the military, in civil society, and in academia. His impact on commanders, colleagues, students and clients was so phenomenal that I can do them no justice. He towered over the profession for decades.
Thank you, Itamar, from the very bottom of heart, for everything you gave to our country, the army, the profession and especially to me. I will be forever grateful. And the disagreements? Who can manage a 30 year partnership without disagreements, for heaven sake.
Two Allon-Itamar stories
Itamar-For this insurance policy, I need your date of birth.
Itamar-Are you sure?
Allon-Are you trying to convince me I was born in another year?
Allon- Itamar, I don’t understand what you have told me, and you have said it three times. Will you stop repeating yourself?
Itamar-I myself am just starting to understand.