What are messages that most management ignores? אָזְנַיִם לָהֶם, וְלֹא יִשְׁמָעוּ*

I speak 3 languages very well: Hebrew French and English. I can understand articles Spanish (but cannot speak)  and when I hear a conversation in Arabic, I understand the gist most of the time.

However, if I hear Russian, I cannot understand a word. Since the immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel, I hear a lot of Russian. All the time. For decades. But I do not understand one word. And, for whatever reason, I cannot pick it up.

Which started me thinking-what does management hear, and not pick up? Using two French words to explain myself…what does management hear (ecouter), but does not hear and “get it” (entendre).

Here is my try at answering that question:

1) The timetables are very aggressive.  The present schedules are wishful non-thinking.

2) If we release this latest “version” too early, our reputation may take a hit.

3) We cannot recruit because our salary entry level is too low.

4) A few key players are on the net looking for jobs. This is serious. People are our greatest asset.

5) Folks in the latest company we acquired a year ago are checking out mentally.

6) If we do not “sell” this decision to the people on the line, it ain’t gonna happen.

7) Diversity is good for the bottom line.

8) The cooperation between units A and B is not because of role definition: it’s a trust issue.

9) It is very hard to restore trust. If we tell don’t tell the truth to our staff, they won’t trust us for a very long time.

10) After we downsize, the best people in the company will start to look for a job. They fear that they are next.

*Psalms 115 6-7

They have ears, but cannot hear, and noses, but cannot smell.  They have hands, but cannot feel, and feet, but cannot walk; they cannot make a sound.

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4 thoughts on “What are messages that most management ignores? אָזְנַיִם לָהֶם, וְלֹא יִשְׁמָעוּ*

  1. Very interesting post, Allon. I remember an HR SVP I once worked for who screamed whenever a problem was surfaced to his attention: “Why am I being bothered by this?” He did not want to know what was happening at the front lines. I wonder if, the higher you go, the less you want to hear?

  2. On target. & one cause: When the decision makers are no longer physically housed where the actual work is being performed. Directly causes communication to break down & the chain of feedback to disintegrate.

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