In the spirit or brevity, I have put together a very short list of components which constitute “global literacy”, i.e., the ability to be fluent and effective in the acutely diverse global workplace. This list is based on my observations of highly effective managers in the global work place.
- Understand where other attitudes and behaviour different from your own come from due to an awareness of the limitations of your own culture
- Non-judgmental about how things get done
- Ability to build personal trust to transcend differences
- Ability to mitigate the imposition of your own cultural preferences. (like: be open)
- Behavioural and attitudinal flexibility to work with people and teams whose major shared domain is that they are different
- Ability to shelter global staff from corporate absurdities whilst inculcating central values and behaviours which cannot be compromised/
This is the focus of ALL the coaching/consulting that I do with teams and individuals who need to acquire global literacy. My experience is that very little falls outside this list.
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