It’s not hard to understand why “working from home” is losing ground so quickly

“Working from home” is losing ground as an alternative to on-site presence; it is not hard to understand why. Really, it’s not rocket science. But common sense is not so common-so I will point out the reasons that I think that this is happening.

  1. Working from home deprives management of the outer accoutrements of power. Their larger office, parking spot, and various gadgets all disappear. Everything that visually separates them from the mob is wiped out by working from home. Thus, management has seized the moment (which moment exactly I will explain soon) and returned to the status quo ante covid. That is the number one reason for the demise of WFH, and is far more salient than any other reason.
  2. The context of working from home post covid (I stress, post covid) must be seen as part of “almost everything goes” which characterized so many quirks, such as language policing, DEI on steroids, parenting-uber-alles, work life balance (not answering emails on the weekend, eg). It appears that the “everything goes” pendulum swing is now swinging the other way, as the populace cringes from so many perceived excesses.
  3. The technology often stinks. In my experience, at least ten minutes of every hour is spent on connecting people up to the network, reconnecting people, “can you speak up”, and muffled mumbling.
  4. Working from home destroys and guts the informal networks, so critical to making an organization work more smoothly.
  5. WFH is perceived as empowering staff to make choices which should, according to senior management, be made by employers. An example being, “sorry, my baby is crying; I need to drop off this call”.

Do you remember fountain pens with ink? Do you remember buying a movie ticket from an actual person at the theatre? Do you remember calling a service centre and not being molested by a voice menu as long as my leg (I’m tall)? Well that is where working from home is going.

Caduc. Those were the days.

NB 1. I like WFH. I also like vanilla ice cream. But I don’t want a gut. I like sunbathing, but I had BCC and in situ (thank heavens) melanoma. I love bitter chocolate. See gut issue above. I love to booze-but I can’t due to medications I take. Same same with WFH. It will continue to exist; it will not wither away. But it’s on the way down. Like smoking, or taking pervitin.

NB 2. I predicted this in 2020.




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One thought on “It’s not hard to understand why “working from home” is losing ground so quickly

  1. אלון,
    ניהול = שליטה.
    בעבודה מהבית מנהלים מאבדים את זה.
    הניהול מתחרפן. במקום להתאים עצמו, חוזר למוכר וליישן.
    כמי שעוסקים בשינוי, זו דוגמא לתפיסה של מה שהיה הוא שיהיה.
    כיוון שהיום זה שוק של מעסיקים אז הם יכולים להרשות לעצמם.
    העניין הוא שלא תהייה חזרה לאחור.

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